Bare root plants are just what the name suggests: plants sold with exposed roots.
These plants are harvested and stored in their dormant form, which means the plant is not expending its energy growing. If you’ve ever seen a bare root plant and wondered if it’s dead, don’t worry! It’s just conserving energy until it is planted and the exposed roots are given the nutrients needed to produce new, green growth.
We recommend planting in the spring when the soil is still workable. Refer to the map for general guidelines.
Blueberries do best in an acidic soil with a pH balance of 4.5–5.5. You can either purchase acidic soil or test soil that you already have. If you have a pH balance higher than 5.5, you can incorporate peat moss into the soil which is acidic and can lower the pH balance.
Baby Cakes®, Raspberry Shortcake® and the Strawberries perform best in a fairly neutral soil with a pH of 6.5–7.5. The soil and location should be well-drained and in full sun. In regions with extreme heat, this variety will perform best in afternoon shade to protect it from excessive heat.
plant Bare root IN GROUND
Pick a sunny place to plant. All berry plants need at least 6 hours of full sun to produce berries.
Dig a hole large enough to encompass the roots without bending or circling.
Set the plant in place so the crown (part of the plant where the root meets the stem) is about ½–1 inches below the soil surface.
If planting a blueberry, amend the soil with peat (or other soil acidifier) as directed on the product packaging. For all other berry types, skip this step.
Do not add fertilizer when planting. Cover with soil to the original soil surface and then water thoroughly.